IPL, also known as photorejuvenation is used at Saltz Plastic Surgery to reverse the signs of photo-aged skin. IPL is not a laser, but a filtered lamp system that emits a broad spectrum of light wavelengths. This range allows great variability in selecting individual treatment parameters and in adapting to different skin types and indications.
Who could use a little IPL?
All skin types and skin areas can be treated with IPL, but our team closely monitors each session. IPL can treat superficial and localized vascular conditions:
- Port wine stains
- Poikiloderma
- Facial hypertrichosis
- Essential telangiectases
- Red hypertrophic scars
But these people should NOT have IPL therapy:
- Pregnant women
- Suntanned people
- Those taking blood thinners
- Those with suspicious lesions
- Those who have an abnormal response to sunlight
- Anyone taking Accutane or other photosensitizing medication
How does an IPL session go?
We first wash your skin, then apply a topical anesthetic. Next we set the IPL machine to the proper wavelengths based on the patient’s skin type. This sets the cutoff filter, the number of pulses, the fluency, and the duration of each pulse.
Patients see noticeable improvement in skin quality. Patients with hyperpigmentation, brown spots, and/or skin blotchiness can see these discolorations dramatically lightened and largely eliminated after treatment.
Interested in dealing with those skin pigmentation issues? Call us in our Salt Lake City or Park City offices and let’s talk about IPL.