What is the Vitamin Bar?
John Myers, M.D. pioneered intravenous vitamin therapy (the Myers cocktail) over 30 years ago. We’ve brought the concept forward providing a variety of different options targeted to various purposes and individual needs.
Our vitamin infusion includes magnesium, calcium, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin B5, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, folic acid, and biotin. By delivering these vitamins and minerals directly into the blood, the process is much more beneficial and it avoids side effects that can come from taking vitamins orally, namely nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort.
What do these infusions do?
Beyond meeting your body’s specific vitamin requirements, vitamin therapy positively affects your immune function, energy levels, sleep patterns, and mood. At Saltz Spa Vitoria we have 10 different “menu” items, each designed to treat conditions such as altitude sickness, headaches, dehydration, jet lag, even hangovers!
The menu
- Apres Ski — This rehydrates and relieves sore muscles with a combination of electrolytes, anti-inflammatories, and pain relievers.
- Forever Young — Intended to benefit the skin and hair, this is a mix of glutathione; vitamins A, C, E, B complex; and biotin.
- Hair of the Dog — This hangover cure has toradol, zofran, B complex thiamine, and folic acid.
- Jet Lag — An energizing cocktail of B complex, glutathione, and multivitamins.
- Burnout — Feeling beat? Recharge with this drip packed with vitamin C and vitamin B complex.
- Immune Booster — A hefty dose of vitamin C, zinc, and selenium will help you beat that nagging cold or fight one off altogether.
- The Daily Burn — Designed to help you burn calories, this includes glutathione, B complex, and vitamin C.
- Weekend Warrior — A performance cocktail full of electrolytes, vitamins, and anti-inflammatories.
- First Trimester — Great for you and your baby, this cocktail is a combination of electrolytes, zofran, folic acid, and prenatal vitamins.
- Dealer’s Choice — This is our customizable option allowing you to request specifically what you want to include in your vitamin cocktail.
Interested in our ? Call either our Salt Lake City or Park City offices to make your appointment.