But at Saltz Spa Vitoria we can give you the thick, long eyelashes you dream about, and you grow them yourself. You read that right! With Latisse® you grow your own beautiful eyelashes. Latisse® is the real deal and we have it at Saltz Spa Vitoria. Plus, right now, as a part of our November special we’re offering a second bottle (3ml) of Latisse when you buy the first 5ml bottle.
What is Latisse®?
Latisse® is an eyelash growth system. Latisse® is a prescription treatment that Dr. Saltz can make available for our patients. Latisse® is applied to the upper lashes once daily to stimulate the lashes to grow naturally, giving you the thick, long lashes you’ve always wanted. Latisse is the only product that actually makes you grow thicker, longer eyelashes.
How does it work?
The researchers at Allergen weren’t planning on growing eyelashes when they discovered Latisse. They were working on an eyedrop to relieve intraocular pressure in the eye, which can lead to glaucoma. Subjects using the eyedrops in the study found that their eyelashes grew during the study. That made Allergen begin looking into the active ingredient from the test drug. It was called bimatoprost, and Allergen began testing it specifically for eyelash growth. It proved effective and the FDA approved it in December 2008. It is believed that the bimatoprost increases the anagen phase (that’s the growth phase) of the eyelashes.
But Latisse isn’t an overnight sensation. This product demands consistent, regular application. Bimatoprost is the key. When you apply Latisse nightly on the upper lash, just like you do with eyeliner, the bimatoprost in Latisse stimulates the lashes to grow. The treatment works gradually and your eyelashes will experience real growth over time, generally 12 to 16 weeks. But you must stay with it — once you start the treatment, the topical solution must be applied continuously each night until you achieve the desired results.
Latisse® facts
- Latisse is the first and only eyelash growing system that is approved by the FDA.
- Latisse requires one application per day taking only a minute or so.
- Latisse improves the appearance of eyelashes through the extension of the hair growth cycle that results in longer, thicker, fuller eyelashes.
- Patients see improvement after four weeks of continuous treatment, with full results coming within 16 weeks.
- After discontinuing use, your lashes will gradually return to their pre-treatment appearance.
- Most patients see a 25% increase in lash length.
- Most patients experience a106% increase in lash thickness/fullness.
- Most patients see an18% increase in lash darkness.
Ready to give your wimpy eyelashes the Latisse treatment? Call either our Salt Lake or Park City Saltz Spa Vitoria locations and ask us about it.