Saltz Hair
Dr. Renato Saltz offers hair restoration solutions including both surgical and non-surgical treatment options.
Dr. Renato Saltz offers hair restoration solutions including both surgical and non-surgical treatment options.

Dr. Renato Saltz offers hair restoration solutions including both surgical and non-surgical treatment options.

Are you interested in restoring your thinning hair? We offer both surgical and non-surgical options for men and women alike. We have two office locations in Park City and Salt Lake City, UT.

Are you interested in restoring your thinning hair? We offer both surgical and non-surgical options for men and women alike. We have two office locations in Park City and Salt Lake City, UT.

Are you interested in restoring your thinning hair? We offer both surgical and non-surgical options for men and women alike. We have two office locations in Park City and Salt Lake City, UT.
Saltz Hair Restoration in Salt Lake City & Park City, UT

NeoGraft Hair Transplant
NeoGraft is a minimally invasive Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant method. Hair is grafted from the donor site (the back of the head) where the hair is genetically programmed to resist testosterone. Each hair is individually harvested and placed on top of the head in thinning areas.

NeoGraft Hair Transplant
NeoGraft is a minimally invasive Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant method. Hair is grafted from the donor site (the back of the head) where the hair is genetically programmed to resist testosterone. Each hair is individually harvested and placed on top of the head in thinning areas.

NeoGraft Hair Transplant
NeoGraft is a minimally invasive Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant method. Hair is grafted from the donor site (the back of the head) where the hair is genetically programmed to resist testosterone. Each hair is individually harvested and placed on top of the head in thinning areas.
In Our
Clients' Own

In our clients' own words
“I recently had the surgery by Dr. Saltz and it was fantastic. No pain, recovery was very short term and I would recommend it to anyone thinking about hair loss solution options. Thank you to Dr. Saltz and his team of professionals for making me feel great.” - Happy NeoGraft Patient

In our clients' own words
“I recently had the surgery by Dr. Saltz and it was fantastic. No pain, recovery was very short term and I would recommend it to anyone thinking about hair loss solution options. Thank you to Dr. Saltz and his team of professionals for making me feel great.” - Happy NeoGraft Patient
Ready To Get Started?
At our med spa, we combine preoperative treatment, surgery, and postoperative care for a comprehensive, holistic treatment for all patients.
Call today for more information about Grooming Solutions for Men or to schedule your complimentary consultation 435.655.6612 or 801.274.9500.
Ready To Get Started?
At our med spa, we combine preoperative treatment, surgery, and postoperative care for a comprehensive, holistic treatment for all patients.
Call today for more information about Grooming Solutions for Men or to schedule your complimentary consultation 435.655.6612 or 801.274.9500.