Ear Surgery

Ear Surgery
What is Otoplasty?
Few things can generate more teasing and insecurity in a child than having ears that project out away from the head. But it doesn’t have to be a lifelong problem thanks to otoplasty, commonly known as ear surgery.
Otoplasty is usually performed on children between the ages of five and 14. The ears are fully developed by age six, so there is no concern that the ears will change and create additional problems later on.
In adults, otoplasty is more often needed after injury to the ears, although it also can be done to correct misshapen ears or for purely cosmetic reasons.

Ear Surgery in Salt Lake City & Park City, UT
What is Otoplasty?
Few things can generate more teasing and insecurity in a child than having ears that project out away from the head. But it doesn’t have to be a lifelong problem thanks to otoplasty, commonly known as ear surgery.
Otoplasty is usually performed on children between the ages of five and 14. The ears are fully developed by age six, so there is no concern that the ears will change and create additional problems later on.
In adults, otoplasty is more often needed after injury to the ears, although it also can be done to correct misshapen ears or for purely cosmetic reasons.
Who is a Good Candidate for Otoplasty?
When you visit Dr. Saltz to consult with him about otoplasty, you can expect a thorough review of your medical history and general health. It is important that we confirm your ability to safely undergo surgery and to heal optimally afterward. He will also perform an examination of your ears to determine the most appropriate type of otoplasty to correct shape, size, and overall proportion. To be an ideal candidate for ear surgery, you should not smoke for several weeks before the procedure. Children can undergo otoplasty once their ears are fully formed. This usually occurs by age five or six.
What Conditions Does Otoplasty Treat?
There are three different ways in which otoplasty may be performed. One is to augment ears that are too small in relation to the head and face. This technique focuses on enhancing the outer ear. The otoplasty procedure that most people are familiar with is ear pinning. This technique is performed to draw the ears closer to the head. Finally, ear reduction can be performed on ears that are larger than normal. Otoplasty can also correct ears that fold over (lop-eared) or that have been injured.
Are the Results Permanent?
We expect the results of otoplasty to last indefinitely, yes. With age, it's possible that the ears may change shape, but this is so subtle that it's barely noticed. Changes in shape usually also relate primarily to the earlobe, not the part of the ear that is modified during otoplasty.
Should you have ear surgery?
Patients who benefit from elective ear surgery generally fall into three categories:
Ear surgery is recommended for children as they near complete ear development at age five or six. Correcting any of the above conditions in a child before they enter school can head off potential teasing and self-image issues. Adults may also have their ears reshaped. As long as you are in good health, there is no upper age limit for this surgery.
How Does the Otoplasty Procedure Work?
Otoplasty is a customized procedure that reshapes the ears according to their position and proportion with the head. Your procedure may draw the ears inward and secure them or may reshape the outer ear. Ear pinning works by removing a small amount of tissue behind the ears and securing them with sutures. Other forms of otoplasty may work by trimming down part of the cartilage tissue of the outer ear or, conversely, augmenting the ear with donor tissue. During your consultation, Dr. Saltz will discuss the exact steps that would be included in your otoplasty procedure.
Can I Get Otoplasty as an Adult?
Yes, you can undergo otoplasty as an adult. The procedure may take just a few minutes per ear and is usually performed using local anesthesia only. This cuts down on risks without diminishing your comfort. Expected downtime lasts only about one week after this procedure, so very little time needs to be taken off work.Otoplasty is a customized procedure that reshapes the ears according to their position and proportion with the head. Your procedure may draw the ears inward and secure them or may reshape the outer ear. Ear pinning works by removing a small amount of tissue behind the ears and securing them with sutures. Other forms of otoplasty may work by trimming down part of the cartilage tissue of the outer ear or, conversely, augmenting the ear with donor tissue. During your consultation, Dr. Saltz will discuss the exact steps that would be included in your otoplasty procedure.
What Are the Benefits of Otoplasty?
Abnormal ear shape or size does not affect hearing, so there is no medical reason to need otoplasty. However, this procedure can be immensely beneficial. The ears are part of the frame for your face. Ears that protrude extend that frame and therefore garner unwanted attention. Otoplasty resets the ears to be in harmony with the face and head so the eye is not distracted from central facial features. Otoplasty is also beneficial on an emotional level. Children who undergo ear surgery are much less likely to be the target of teasing due to their appearance. This can be a crucial benefit during the formative years. Teens and adults can also benefit from cosmetic ear surgery in the way of improved self-confidence and satisfaction with their appearance.
Your Otoplasty Procedure
Before your ear surgery, you will meet with Dr. Saltz to discuss your aesthetic goals and how the surgery will proceed. As with any cosmetic surgery, you should research the procedure before your consultation.
Otoplatsy corrects protruding ears by creating or increasing the antihelical fold inside the rim of the ear and reducing enlarged conchal cartilage. Dr. Saltz makes the incisions on the back of the ear using inner sutures to hold the ear cartilage in place. Scarring is well hidden behind the ear.
Recovery from Otoplasty
After your surgery, bandages will cover the incisions. They will be removed in two to three days, replaced by lighter dressings. There will be some bruising and swelling around the ears over the first 24 hours.
Adults can usually return to work in three or four days, but children usually need a little more time before returning to school. Full recovery takes around three months.
Ready To Get Started?
We combine preoperative treatment, surgery, and postoperative care for a comprehensive, holistic treatment for all patients. Call today for more information about Ear Surgery in Salt Lake City & Park City or to schedule your consultation 435.655.6612 or 801.274.9500.