Saltz Facials: Customized Treatments for All Skin Types

Saltz Facials Restore, refresh, and revitalize your face with Saltz Facials. Experience the Saltz Signature Facials at Utah’s Saltz Plastic Surgery and Spa Vitoria. Led by Dr. Renato Saltz, a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in facial rejuvenation, you’ll find a revitalizing selection of signature facials designed for men and women.

What Are Saltz Facials?

Saltz facials are customized, spa-rich facials developed by Dr. Saltz and designed to address various individual needs and goals.

The Saltz Signature Facial restores hydration to counteract the intense Utah sun. Or perhaps you need to detoxify and exfoliate your skin with our Acne Treatment/Teen Facial? Combat acne and other conditions common among teens and young adults.

Dr. Saltz has created an extraordinary Saltz Men’s Facial to restore rugged complexions and soothe skin. Or perhaps the Spa Vitoria Back Facial is what you need, made for the back’s delicate skin. It exfoliates, cleanses, tones, and hydrates in those hard-to-reach places.

The Healing Benefits From Saltz Facials

Saltz Facials restore texture and tone to your skin to reduce the signs of aging, like fine lines and wrinkles. Offering enhanced hydration and complemented by our nourishing face masks, you’ll leave with a brighter, more even complexion.

Counter the effects of sun exposure, break-outs, and acne scarring by treating your skin with one of Dr. Saltz’s skin-pampering facials. We use LED lights to stimulate collagen production, adding volume and fullness to your skin.

Who Are Suitable Candidates For a Saltz Facial?

Dr. Saltz and his professional staff can address your concerns across different skin types. Anyone seeking rejuvenation or improved skin texture or who has specific concerns about their skin is an excellent candidate for a Saltz Facial.

Have Your Day in the Spa

Treat your face to a restorative, stimulating Saltz Facial. With our convenient spas in Park City and Salt Lake City, you won’t have far to go to revitalize and refresh your appearance with a Signature Saltz Facial.

Call the office of Renato Saltz, MD, today to schedule your spa treatment in Park City at 435-655-6612 or Salt Lake City at 801-274-9500. Or, send us a message through our online form.

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