Park City people have lots of divergent interests. But there is one thing everyone does — read the Park Record. The Park Record is Park City’s twice-weekly newspaper that traces its origins back to the silver mining boom days of Park City’s youth.
The paper likes to keep in touch with what the people of town feel are the best restaurants, shops, services, vendors, and the like. In a town with so many tourists coming through town, it can be important to keep in touch with the “locals.”
To that end, the Record compiles a poll of its readers to find out what they think makes up the “Best of Park City.” The poll covers the following categories: dining and drinking, doctors and medical, fun and community, help and services, homes and gardens, shopping, and sports.
And for the fourth year in a row Dr. Saltz and Saltz Plastic Surgery/Spa Vitoria were honored in the Best of Park City listings. In the poll, Dr. Saltz and Saltz Plastic Surgery/Spa Vitoria were named:
- Best Botox (#1)
- Best Plastic Surgeon (#1)
- Best Facial (#2)
We want to thank our clients and friends for giving us a four-peat! We’re proud to be known as the “Best of Park City.”
We appreciate your business!