You Noticed Signs of Aging on Your Face
If you’ve noticed signs of aging, such as wrinkles, age spots, sun spots, and fine lines on your face, you may be considering getting a facelift. Many patients often try other facial rejuvenation methods, such as skin resurfacing or facial massages. However, a facelift is one of the only procedures that will be able to achieve a “lifted,” radiant look.
You Are 40 Years of Age or Older
It’s generally not recommended for people under 30 years old to get a facelift. This is because signs of aging typically appear in people who are 40 years old or above. Results from facelifts are most beneficial to those in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, as they not only provide a tighter look to the skin but can also restore the appearance of youth.
You Are Unhappy With The Way Your Face Looks
There are some signs of aging that have trouble disappearing through at-home skin rejuvenation methods. For example, some eye creams may not fully take away the wrinkles or fine lines under your eyes. If the overall appearance of your signs of aging is having an effect on your self-confidence, it may be time to consider the benefits of a facelift and how it can help you feel happier, confident, and more comfortable in your own skin.
When You Can Take Time Off To Recover
One of the most important factors of the facelift process is the recovery. Because recovery from a facelift surgery can take anywhere between two to four weeks, knowing when you can take a few weeks off from work or your daily routine is essential to a proper, healthy recovery.
Facelifts with Dr. Saltz
Ready to reduce the appearance of signs of aging? Are you looking to restore youthful energy to your face? Book your first consultation with Dr. Saltz by clicking here. To find out more information about the facelift procedure, call our offices in Salt Lake City (801-274-9500) and Park City (435-655-6612) to speak with a team member at Saltz Plastic Surgery.