You’ve Lost the Weight, But Not the Skin

Body Contouring Salt Lake City, TX When a person gains and then loses a good deal of weight, the perseverance required to lose the weight is something to be celebrated. But in many cases, after losing a lot of weight there is a slimmer person in the mirror covered with over-sized skin. It can be depressing.

The problem is that when skin and support tissue have been stretched for a long period of time, they often won’t return back down to the new leaner contours of the thinner body. You can think of it sort of like a rubber band that has been stretched around an item for a long time. When you remove it, it doesn’t shrink back down to its original size, but remains somewhat stretched.

This can be very discouraging. Fortunately, Dr. Saltz can perform body-contouring surgeries to remove excess skin and reposition muscles and complete your body transformation.

What procedures could be a part of body contouring?

Dr. Saltz doesn’t have a “set” group of procedures for his body contouring patients. Instead, each case is unique depending on the patient’s needs. During your consultation, the two of you will discuss what areas you want to address.

The mainstay of body contouring is a body lift, which targets the lower torso and upper legs. The goal of a body lift is to Sculpt / Precision Wave the abdomen, lower back, buttocks, hips, and thighs.

These are the various procedures that Dr. Saltz may include in body contouring. With most of these procedures, liposuction may be added to remove stubborn pockets of fat.

  • Body lift
  • Breast reduction
  • Tummy tuck
  • Thigh lift
  • Arm lift
  • Buttock lift

The goal with each procedure is the same — to make an incision, reposition and tighten underlying muscles, trim excess skin, and remove excess pockets of fat. Incisions from procedures such as body lifts are extensive, but Dr. Saltz minimizes scarring where possible by placing the incisions in locations where they fall within a natural crease or can be hidden by clothing.

If possible, Dr. Saltz will combine procedures to reduce recovery time. But there are safety issues involved with this. Combining too many procedures may have the patient requiring six hours under anesthesia, and that can be risky. During your consultation, Dr. Saltz will discuss where things can be combined and where they shouldn’t be.

If you’ve lost lots of weight, but are unhappy with your now-sagging skin, call Dr. Saltz at either our Salt Lake City office, (801) 274-9500, or our Park City office, (435) 655-6612, to set up your consultation for body contouring.

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