“The number of non-surgical procedures done in this country is crazy, [and the] stats on non-surgical treatments are almost unbelievable for many reasons. They’re less invasive, safer, less expensive, and there are things that really work.
The top non-surgical treatments Dr. Saltz is seeing Brazilian women requesting:
“Cellfina for cellulite. Before, we never had anything that worked—massages, lotions, potions. Now you have a device that actually works. These are big in most plastic surgeons’ practices.
“The other procedure that’s very popular in Brazil—but also in Sweden, France, all over Europe—is CoolSculpting. CoolSculpting is a very, very successful technology. It works very well, our entire staff has had it done. We’re getting a fourth machine this third quarter. It’s crazy. Carboxytherapy is also huge for treating stretch marks.”