Ponce de Leon shouldn’t have been searching for the fountain of youth; he should have been searching for collagen. After all, it really is the fountain of youth.
Collagen is the protein that is responsible for supporting the skin. With ample collagen, the skin is firm and resilient. Without it, the skin becomes loose and saggy, and is prone to wrinkling.
And that’s where the real bummer of aging comes in — after we have our 20th birthday, the body’s collagen production drops one percent EVERY year. In addition to sun and other environmental damage, that drop in collagen production is basically the reason our skin ages.
But Ponce de Leon would have been intrigued by Thermage®, the non-invasive skin-tightening procedure offered by Dr. Saltz in Spa Vitoria.
Three layers
To understand how Thermage works, it helps to understand the skin. The skin is made up of three distinct layers. On the surface is the epidermis. Below it is a collagen-rich layer, the dermis. Below the dermis is the subcutaneous layer (sometimes called the fat layer). This layer has a framework of collagen fibers running through it.
Now you can see the importance of collagen in all three layers of the skin. That’s why creams and treatments that work on the epidermis don’t do anything to address overall skin support. That happens in the dermis and subcutaneous layers.
Radiofrequency energy, not just for your car radio
Thermage® tightens the skin and renews the collagen in all three layers. Thermage® sends capacitive radiofrequency (CRF) energy into all three skin layers. This CRF energy converts into heat energy, safely interacting with the collagen in the three layers, instantly tightening those structures and improving skin tone on the epidermis. More important, the CRF heat triggers a reaction in the body, where the production of new collagen is initiated. This continues to improve your results for the next four to six months after your initial Thermage® treatment.
Who doesn’t want firmer, tighter skin? Maybe not a Shar-Pei dog, but surely all of us humans! Call us at Saltz Plastic Surgery/Spa Vitoria, (801) 274-9500 in Salt Lake City and (435) 655-6612 in Park City, and set up an appointment for skin tightening with Thermage®.