Dr. Saltz Discusses CoolSculpting on CBS2 News

Video Transcription:

Anchor: New technology is helping people feel better about their bodies. Now there’s a way to get rid of unwanted fat without ever having surgery and the procedure, well, it’s cool. More in tonight’s family matters report.

Dr. Saltz: It’s one more option for improving your body shape.

Anchor: There’s a new weapon in the battle of the bulge, and it has the approval of the FDA. There’s no surgery involved and the procedure is kind of cool.

Dr. Saltz: You basically grasp a certain amount of tissue, including skin and fatty tissue, and deliver this amount of cold treatment that actually freezes the tissue.

Anchor: Doctors say cool sculpting freezes fat cells. Over time, the body naturally eliminates the dead cells, and with a proper diet and exercise, patients generally will see results in a matter of weeks.

Dr. Saltz: It’s not a diet. It’s not a weight loss treatment. It’s not for a patient that is overweight.

Tiffany: I had a baby a year ago.

Anchor: Tiffany Kaning [sp] says she tried everything to lose the baby fat.

Tiffany: And I’ve been working out five days a week and getting everything toned up, but I just couldn’t get rid of that last little problem area.

Anchor: This is her first cool sculpting procedure, a procedure doctors say is less invasive than surgery. It’s less expensive, too, in comparison to other weight loss methods. And doctors say cool sculpting is safe.

Dr. Saltz: It’s very safe, and I made sure that we reviewed all their data before we got involved in this. As a surgeon, you’re always very skeptical about new surgical techniques. But I had it done, so I can actually judge myself, but it seems to work.

Anchor: The average cost per treatment for cool sculpting is $1200, and you should expect at least two to three treatments. Now remember, you should check in with your doctor before trying any weight loss method. For more information on cool sculpting, be sure to visit our website, Connect2Utah.com

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