
How to Best Recover After a Facelift

Sun damage, muscle loss, and aging can all lead to loose skin on the face. Sagging skin can cause wrinkles and fine lines and can be distressing to some people. Thankfully, a facelift can help remove loose skin, tighten existing skin, and improve the overall appearance of the face. Let’s explore what a facelift is and some best practices for recovering after a facelift.

Understanding a Facelift

A facelift is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to remove loose skin on the face and neck. Multiple incisions are made to access the skin and underlying structures. Skin is removed, muscles are tightened, muscles are lifted, and incisions are sutured or glued. Then, the recovery process begins.

Recovery Best Practices

Recovery is essential to any surgical procedure. The quality of your results and your comfort will entirely depend on following your surgeon’s post-care instructions. You will have bandages on your incisions for two days. You are likely to experience bruising and swelling because of the physical trauma from the procedure. This is likely to last two to three weeks. Let’s look at some easy things you can do to help your recovery.

Avoid Smoking and Alcohol

The effects of smoking and alcohol consumption are often mitigated by the body’s immune system. However, this weakens the immune system and makes it more difficult for your body to heal properly. This could lead to complications with your facelift or an increased recovery period. It is best to avoid smoking or drinking alcohol while recovering.

Keep the Head Elevated

Keeping your head elevated as you rest is important to reduce swelling and discomfort. A recliner or supportive pillows can help angle your head and body.

Avoid Extreme Temperatures

It’s common to apply ice to reduce swelling. However, make sure the ice doesn’t directly make contact with the skin, as this could damage it. Instead, choose something cool with icing the skin and something warm when applying a hot compress. Avoid extremely hot or extremely cold showers.

Facelifts With Dr. Saltz

Facelifts are a great way to rewind time for your skin and remove loose skin. Dr. Renato Saltz provides facelift services to provide you with the skin of your dreams. Dr. Saltz brings decades of experience to every procedure to ensure comfort and results. If you’re considering a facelift, then contact Dr. Saltz’s office at 801-274-9500 today.

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