Living in Utah, all wine is sold through the state liquor stores. This can confuse visitors. You couldn’t fault someone for hearing the word Volbella and thinking it was something they saw at the state liquor store.
Actually, however, Volbella is the newest member of the Juvederm family of dermal fillers. While its name sounds like a tasty new Italian red wine, Volbella is actually specifically formulated for the lips, adding subtle volume and erasing vertical lip lines.
We offer Volbella as part of our injectable offerings at Saltz Plastic Surgery/Spa Vitoria.
Why does everything lose volume?
It’s an unfortunate part of aging but our skin simply becomes saggier with the passing years. It’s almost as if we’re shrinking inside our skin. But the real culprit is collagen, a lack of it. Collagen is a protein in the body responsible for keeping the skin firm and supported. It builds a framework under the skin to do just that.
But as we age, our production of collagen drops — one additional percentage point every year after we have our 20th birthday! You don’t have to be a math wiz to add those up and figure that by our 50th birthday we have 30 percent less collagen than we had at 20. This allows the skin to sag and sink and lose volume. It happens everywhere: the cheeks, the areas around the mouth, even our lips.
Most people don’t think of the lips when they think of volume loss, but aging lips usually become thinner and vertical lip lines become more prevalent.
New to Juvederm
Juvederm was one of the original dermal fillers (along with Restylane), and it continues to be among the world’s most popular dermal fillers. It was created to address volume loss, particularly where it creates nasolabial folds and parentheses lines around the nose and mouth area. Juvederm is made of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that hydrates and plumps the skin. When Juvederm is injected beneath a nasolabial fold, it fills in the area, pushing the crease back up.
After Juvederm came Voluma for the cheeks, Juvederm Ultra to add visible volume to the lips, and now Volbella.
Initially, Ultra was Juvederm’s answer for adding volume to the lips. Its goal was twofold. First, if a person’s lips had lost volume, Ultra would return the volume. Or, if the person never was satisfied with her lips, Ultra could add volume to the lips. With Ultra, a person’s lips gain dramatically more volume.
Volbella is more subtle
But some people felt that the results gained with Juvederm Ultra were too showy, too visible. Juvederm developed Volbella to also add volume and shape to the lips but to do so in a more subtle way. Plus, Volbella smoothes the irritating vertical lip lines that form with volume loss.
Want to add some subtle volume to your lips? Call the team at Saltz Plastic Surgery in our Salt Lake City offices, (801) 274-9500, or our Park City offices, (435) 655-6612, to schedule an appointment.